Reflections on Job

Job 1:21

And said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.”

Hello. It is unfortunate that I developed a folliculitis on my left calf post electrolysis. It went from a small pimple-like spot into full blown boil, 1 inch in circumference. Five days post treatment and it was very sore it seems impossible to walk due to the excruciating pain I felt. I felt awful and were having thoughts of self pity. However, I remember Job of the ancient Bible times. Imagine the pain he must have felt both emotionally and physically. His children was slaughtered, his animals stolen from him and he was ridiculed because of his steadfast faith towards God.

After wallowing in bed watching Kamisama Kiss, sulking pathetically because of the state I’m in, pouting that I can’t go out to have dinner with friends; it dawned to me- life is short. Every second of it is precious. And the condition I’m in is nothing compared to whatever Job have undergone. So, I got up. Thanked God and asked Him to continue to bless my meds and heal me from my affliction. I bathed, dressed the wound, ordered pizza and invited some friends over and had a great time.

This experience taught me that I have the power to turn a morbid day into a happy one. By reacting possitively to it. Also, in every circumstance, don’t forget to give thanks and glorify God.



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